On, Saturday, April 16, 2016 we are out to set some records again!
Pune has hosted Azure bootcamp since 2013, we had sessions on fascinating topics like Azure Websites, Mobile Services, Designing Allocation Planning Engine with Cloud Services and Azure IaaS.
In 2015, we had sessions on topics like Engineering Enterprise Applications, Multi-factor authentication, SharePoint on Azure IaaS and VPN, ZUMO and Windows Azure Websites. Don’t forget to register on our Invite page here too!
One full day of deep dive sessions on Azure for Developers and IT Pro's delivered by the experts to get you started on complex topics like Media Streaming, Mobile Services, ALM, PowerShell and IoT
Independent community event run across 136 countries in 2014 and even more in 2015, entry to this event is totally free.
Have questions, need to discuss your technical issues, or looking for some advise, Do attend Azure bootcamp to speak to the experts
Meet our Valuable speakers who will be each giving sessions on different subjects regarding the latest trends in the digital world with some great insights. Hope you will have a great time listening to our presentations!
Check out the photos of our previous events where we rocked with a lot of Famous and enthusiatic speakers! We’re always planning to make our future events feel fresh and fun to be at. :)